Govt. of Kerala has declared 2022 as the year of Enterprises, in tune with which the State Industries Dept has projected to create employment to Four Lakh persons by setting up new One Lakh enterprises. This goal is to be achieved through a series of programmes at each local body level, among which one prime event is the General Orientation Programme (GOT). GOT is intended to create awareness among the identified beneficiaries by motivating and directing them towards the right path of entrepreneurship. The GOT in Pallikal Panchayat is scheduled to be held on 23/06/2022 (Thursday), 10 AM, in the panchayat premises. The officials from Pallikal Panchayat invited faculty members from Rajadhani Business School to serve as the resource persons for the programme. The topic of discussion included
- Modern Marketing Strategies with comparison to traditional marketing techniques
- Scope of e- marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Product packing/ branding
Dr Jubi R, Professor – Area of Expertise – Entrepreneurship and Dr Bitha S Mani, Assistant Professor – Area of Expertise – Marketing served as resource persons for the programme.
Around 50 entrepreneurs participated in the programme and the resource persons shared their knowledge of expertise in the specific area.

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