Rajadhani Business School organized the graduation day on 20 November 2021 for the 2018- 20 and 2019 -21 passed out students. It was held in Main Auditorium from 2.00 – 4.00 PM. The Chief Guest of the graduation ceremony was Prof (Dr) Saji Gopinath, Vice-Chancellor, Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology The other dignitaries on the dais were: the President of the event Shri Ajaykrishna Prakash, Vice-Chairman, Rajadhani Group of Institutions, Prof (Dr) S Suresh Babu, Principal, Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Rajesh S Pyngavil, Professor & Head, Rajadhani Business School, Dr. Jubi R, Professor, Rajadhani Business School and other faculty members of Rajadhani Business School. The event was hosted by Ms. Nayana S Rajeev, Assistant Professor, RBS.
The President of the event, Vice Chairman, Shri Ajaykrishna Prakash declared the graduation ceremony open. Dr. Rajesh S Pyngavil, Professor & Head welcomed the chief guest, dignitaries, and invitees followed by the Graduation day Message by Shri Ajaykrishna Prakash. The Chief Guest delivered the Graduation Day Address and the students were presented by the Head of the Department. Scholastic Awards were distributed by the dignitaries. All the graduates stood with their graduation dress with tassel on the left and Dr. M Sulaipher, Associate Professor, RBS lead the fellow graduates in reciting the graduate pledge then the tassel was changed to right. The Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Jubi R, Professor, RBS. End of Graduation day was declared by the President of the function followed by the National Anthem and Photo Session.
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