Rajadhani Business School organised an exclusive webinar session for the students and faculty members on the topic “Financial Health and Financial Wealth: Academia- Industry View” on 6 June, 2021. Mr Akhil Mohan, Sr. Process Associate, EY and Dr Sandeepa Kaur, Associate Professor (Finance), Jagannath International Management School, Delhi were the resource persons. The objective of the session was to provide an academic as well as industry out look to the students on the broad theme Financial Wealth and Financial Heath. Dr Rajesh S Pyngavil, Professor & Head, RBS welcomed the speakers and participants and Dr Priya Prasad, Associate Professor & Coordinator introduced the speakers to the audience. Mr. Akhil Mohan shared his views on the topic Financial Health and Wealth from Industry perspective by stating all the ups and downs in the market and as well as the emerging areas in Finance domain like bitcoin, crypto currency etc. Further, Dr. Sandeepa Kaur expressed her views about the topic in Academic perspective. She presented a really informative presentation which included all the relevant information’s which were new to the audience’s which made the webinar more interesting. After that a panel discussion was held on the topic with some questions raised by the students which were moderated by RBSite Ms Jayasree S T6 MBA. RBSite Ms Reshma Mariya Koshy T6 MBA expressed her words of gratitude.

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