Student Centric Industry-Institute Partnership
Rajadhani Business School has resourceful student centric Industry-Institute Partnership with professional bodies like PMI, NIPM, TMA which brings corporate leaders and students on a common platform so that students are exposed to multiple opportunities in the professional world. They do so by arranging Placement Talks, Special Seminars, Guest Lectures and Industrial Visits.

Free iPads for Seamless Learning
RBSites are provided with free Apple iPads as a learning tool for seamless learning. It enables endless opportunities to create hands-on, customizable learning experiences. iPad is transforming the way we teach and learn with powerful creative tools, interactive textbooks and many more.

Capability Enhancement & Soft Skill Development
Rajadhani Business School focuses on capacity enhancement and soft skill development of students by way of plethora programmes. It involves grooming the students on various aspects such as business etiquettes, communication skills, presentation skills, team work, networking, time management,confidence building, leadership skills, creative thinking and global exposure through International Immersion Programme. Rajadhani Academy for Individual Skills Excellence (RAISE) empowers the students to become assets to the organizations and contribute meaningfully to the entire world.

Value Added Programmes
RBS conducts a variety of value addition programs for providing exposure to students and thereby helping them to make the right choices regarding their future. These certified courses also help students stand apart from the rest in the job market by adding further value to their resume. The B School institute has signed MOUs with leading organizations like International Association of Accounting Professionals, UK, Cambridge University Press, ICT Academy of Kerala etc. for offering value added courses in the institute.