Rajadhani Business School organized a national conference on Industry 5.0 in the globalized business era (NCIGB22) on October 7th,2022 in the mini-auditorium. The event was based on the topic “INDUSTRY 5.0 IN THE GLOBALIZED ERA”. Dr. Apren, the President of R&D, NeST-SFO Technologies was the chief guest for the ceremony. The keynote speakers for the event were, Dr. Ajith Prabhu, Chief Scientist, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Trivandrum, and Dr. Pradeep S, Assistant Vice President, NeST Digital, Kochi.
Dr. Apren has worked successfully for 34 years at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on designing, creating, and implementing onboard electronic systems for satellites and launch vehicles. Additionally, he has extensive expertise in the academic and industrial sectors and successfully manages the implementation of diverse projects. Well-known scientist Dr. Ajith Prabhu is currently the Joint Director of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE) and Director (i/c) of Centre for Science, Technology & Entrepreneurship Development (C-STED), Science &Technology Dept, Govt. of Kerala. He is the Nodal Officer of Kerala’s Patent Information Centre (PIC-Kerala). He formerly worked as a scientist for ISRO’s Liquid Propulsion Centre. He was also the coordination officer for Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Youth Challenge Programme.  Dr. Pradeep S is a professional with about 17 years of expertise in marketing, strategic management, and the development and delivery of training programs. He is a skilled trainer and communicator.
The program began at 10.30 am with a silent prayer. Dr. Jubi R, Head of the department gave the inaugural speech. Vice chairman of RIET Mr. Ajay Krishna Prakash delivered the presidential address. Dr. Apren, the chief guest, gave an excellent address that was both informative and engaging. The keynote speakers provided knowledge that aspiring professionals will seek very helpful. The dignitaries distributed Apple iPads to second-year MBA students. A total of 51 registrations, including RBSites, Research scholars and academicians from other institutions, presented their research papers during the afternoon session at various class rooms in the MBA department. Both online and offline presentations were used. Dr. Jubi R, the department head of MBA, concluded the event by distributing certificates for the participants presented the paper at 4.00 pm.

Date 7th October, 2022 Time 10.ooa.m. to 4p.m.
Venue Mini Auditorium& 8th Floor Class Rooms

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