Rajadhani Business School organized a Parent Teacher Student (PTS) meeting on 11/06/2022. The meeting was attended by HoD, the Academic Coordinator, faculty members, parents, and students of MBA S2 classes. The objective of the meeting is to make the parents familiarize themselves with the academic system of RBS as well as to get feedback regarding the entire. 27 parents attended the meeting.
The meeting was started at 10 AM with a formal welcome by Dr. Rajesh S Pyngavil, Professor & Head, Rajadhani Business School. He also introduced all the faculty members to the audience. He detailed the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities at RBS. He also deliberated the importance of maintaining attendance, submitting assignments, attending the internal examinations, prohibition of mobile phones on the campus, and paying fees on time.
The individual interaction with the parents and students by the HoD and faculty members was also conducted. The academic and campus behavior of the students was detailed to the parents. A progress report which states the marks of first and second series examinations, first and second assignments, and attendance percentage was also shared to the parents. A feedback form was also circulated to the parents to collect their feedback.
The faculty members shared the following points to the parents
- Academic performance of each subject
- Attendance performance of each subject
- Payment of fees status.
- The overall behavior of the student in the department and on campus.
- Need for grooming and professional behavior.
- Various add-on courses and co-curricular activities.
The meeting came to an end at 2.00 PM. Every parent requested to conduct such kind of meeting on a regular basis to get an understanding of the overall performance of their wards.

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