Rajadhani Business School in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, RIET and GTT Foundation organized a three days Workshop on Graduate Readiness for Corporate Life for MBA S3 students on 10-12 January, 2022. The objective of programme was to familiarize students with the different processes related final placements, mock interviews and Group Discussions. The resource person for the programme was Mr. Binu Kurian, Certified ICF Leadership Coach & Psychometric Analyst, a renowned corporate trainer and mentor. The training was sponsored under the banner of CSR activities of Barclays Life Skills which is focuses to enhance and upgrade the potential of the students to make them industry ready. Life Skills created with Barclays aims to help all people in the UK to build the key skills, knowledge and confidence to get into, progress in and succeed in work and stay in control of their money. The Life Skills programme has been supporting youth employment by raising the confidence, motivation and aspirations of millions of young people who are making the move from education into work. The programme helps them to develop the core, transferable skills that businesses increasingly need.
Seminar: “The Future of Collective Bargaining”
On August 14th, 2024, Rajadhani Business School, in collaboration with the Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment...
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